The PAS Sense 1512 Photoacoustic Gas Monitor is a highly accurate, reliable, and stable quantitative gas monitoring system. Its measurement system, based on the photoacoustic infrared detection method, is capable of measuring almost any gas that absorbs infrared light. Gas selectivity is achieved through the use of optical filters. By installing up to five filters, the 1512 can measure the concentration of up to five component gases and water vapor in any air sample. The detection limit is gas-dependent, but is typically in the ppb region.
Accuracy of these measurements is ensured by the 1512’s ability to compensate for temperature and pressure fluctuations, water vapor interference, and interference from other gases known to be present. Reliability of measurement results can be ensured by regular self tests. This measurement system requires no consumables and very little regular maintenance. For most applications, recalibration is only necessary one to two times a year.

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  • Specifications
  • Product Data Sheet


California Analytical Instruments


  • Leak Testing of Insulated Switchgear for SF6 Emissions
  • Automotive Evaporative (SHED) Permeation Testing for VOC Emissions
  • VOC ambient monitoring of organic solvents
  • Complex air-exchange ventilation performance studies
  • Measurement of Anesthetic Agent Gases in Operating Rooms for Personnel Safety
  • Agriculture emissions from soil, manure, livestock
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Ethylene Oxide Monitoring within a Medical Device Sterilization
  • Facility for Personnel Safety
  • Formaldehyde Detection for Personnel Safety Purposes
  • Detection of harmful gases in battery manufacturing processes for personnel safety
  • Air Conditioner refrigerant emissions – R134a and HFO-1234yf
  • Photocatalytic material testing
  • Detection of airborne pollutants that absorb in mid-IR spectrum with ppb detection limit capability


  • asures up to five gases plus water vapor
  • Selectively measures a wide range of gases/vapors
  • Linear response over a wide dynamic range
  • Stable and Reliable: ensuring a maximum of only two calibrations a year
  • User-friendly: easy calibration, configuration, and viewing/analyzing of data via PC
  • Accurate: compensates for temperature and pressure fluctuations, water vapor interference, and interference from other known gases
  • Extremely low-volume flushing possible
  • Operates immediately: virtually no warm-up time necessary
  • Remote control capability via TCP/IP network interface protocol
  • Expandable up to 24 locations with the 1409 Multipoint Sampler
  • Bench mount or easily transportable for remote mounting in the field


Zero Drift Typically ± Detection limit per 3 months
Influence of temperature. +/- 10% of detection limit/°C
Influence of pressure +/-0.5% of detection limit/mbar
Repeatability 1% of measured value
Range Drift +/- 2.5% of measured value per 3 months
Influence of temperature +/- 0.3% of measured value/°C
-0.01% of measured value/mbar
60%. (Concentration of 100x detection limit used in determining these specs.)
CAI ENVEA Group has a policy of continuous improvement of its products and we reserve the right to update or modify specifications without notice.


Influence of pressure Measured at 1013 mbar, and RH: 60%
Measured at 20 °C and RH: 60%
Detection limit is @5 s S.I.T.
Automatically compensates for temp and pressure fluctuations in its analysis cell and
Intereference can compensate for water vapor in air sample. If optical filter is installed to measure
a known interferent, the 1512 can cross compensate for the interferent.
Acoustic Sensitivity Not influenced by external sound
Vibration Sensitivity Strong vibrations at 20 Hz can affect detection limit
Internal Data Storage Capacity Total space available in Display Memory to store data is 131072 measurement cycles. If a measurement cycle takes 15 sec, then display Memory space will be sufficient for a 22-day monitoring task.
Dimensions: (HxWxD) 7.68 x 17.44 x 9.60 in. (195 x 443 x 244 mm)
Weight: 24.3 lbs (11 kg)
Communication: Monitor uses 3 interfaces: USB, Ethernet, and RS232, for data exchange and remote control
of the 1512. Software communicates using USB, Ethernet, and RS232.


Product Data Sheet


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