CAI offers four analyzer models that utilize Fourier Transfer Infrared technology for measuring concentrations of multiple gases within a sample. CAI FTIR analyzers deliver fast, accurate analysis of virtually any gas that has an infrared absorption spectrum.
- 600 SC FTIR – Most IR-absorbing gases + short cell for higher concentration levels
CAI FTIR analyzers are based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Non-symmetrical gas phase molecules absorb IR light, causing the molecular bonds to stretch, bend or rotate. This absorption is used to measure and quantify several chemical components simultaneously.
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The 600SC Series FTIR is based on Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy. Nonsymmetrical gas phase molecules absorb IR light which in turn causes the molecular bonds to stretch, bend, or rotate. This absorption is used to measure and quantify several chemical components simultaneously. An IR source emits radiation in the range of 7500 to 375 cm-1 . The IR radiation is split in a Michelson nterferometer where half of the light passes through to a fixed mirror and the other half is reflected towards a moving mirror. The two beams recombine and pass through a gas cell where the sample absorbs light at molecule specific
frequencies. The remaining light is measured with a DTGS detector and Fourier transformed to convert from time domain to frequency domain producing a single beam spectrum which is ratioed with a baseline spectrum and produces an absorbance spectrum. This absorbance spectrum is quantified with chemometrics to produce a concentration value.
•Proven, rugged interferometer with gold
• No liquid nitrogen required
• 0.8 Wave Number (cm –1 )
• Heated Sample Cell ( 50° or 150° C)
• Low Cost of Acquisition and Operation
•Rack Mount PC or Laptop Controlled with Fully Automated Opus Spectroscopy Software
• Compact size
• Light weight
Process Control
• Combustion Efficiency
• Stack Gases (CEM/MACT)
• VOC abatement/scrubber efficiency
• Agricultural emissions
• Pharmaceutical
• Semiconductor
• Vehical emmisions
• CO2 purity
• Ammonia slip
• Gas purity
• Greenhouse gases
• Biomass/landfill gas