US EPA PS11 compliant ProScatter™ particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from industrial processes


Envea Emission

Envea PCME

Envea PCME Emission

US EPA PS11 compliant ProScatter™ particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from industrial processes

Utilising the patented ProScatter™ Forward Scatter measurement technique for measuring particulate concentration levels, typically between 0.06 mg/m3 to 300 mg/m3, this measurement technique offers improved levels of performance which make the STACK 181 very suitable for use as a PM CPMS or PM CEMS that need to comply with US EPA PS-11 for Site Operators looking to satisfy the recent MACT and MATS rules.

The STACK 181 is suitable for measuring particle emissions after both bag filter and electrostatic precipitator arrestment plant.


  • Robust design with no critical moving parts
  • Available for use in high-temperature stack conditions and Ex hazardous zones
  • Easy to fit multi-patterned flange
  • Adjustable monitoring depth to ensure sampling in the most representative part of the flow path
  • For use as PM-CPMS or PM-CEMS that need to comply with PS-11
  • ProScatter™ technology offers enhanced measurement due to reduced cross-sensitivity of particle type and size
  • Features automatic zero and upscale checks that fully challenge the system’s ability to measure forward-scattered light and satisfy daily drift checks
  • Easily audited with manual filters