Volucalc Flow Meter for Lift Station Monitoring

SKU: VoluCalc

Volucalc™ Hybrid VS is a variable and constant speed pump flowmeter. For variable speed pumps, it uses the pump curves flow/head/RPM of 1 to 4 pumps, the level and pressure signal and generates a flow proportionnal 4-20mA output. It uses the most advanced patented volumetric flow algorithm for constant speed pumps. Data is downloaded to a USB key or MaidMaps. No software required to produce reports. MaidMaps can activate a remote relay and display readings.

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The Volucalc Hybrid™ VS uses calibrated pump curves to derive flow rate. Its accuracy is directly proportional to the quality of the calibration. It uses the pump’s RPM from the VFDs analog outputs. The instrument’s generated reports show daily pump efficiency, which is used to detect abnormal events and crosscheck pump calibration. The integrated Volucalc Hybrid™ VS high precision volumetric flow algorithm is useful to calibrate the pump curves.

The Pump Curve Editor allows the user to copy, through its transparent interface, the variable speed pumps curves supplied by a manufacturer. The Configurator generates formulas for these curves so the VolucalcTM computes the right flow rate whatever the pump’s speed at any head.

The included user-friendly MaidDevice Configurator software simplifies the setup by offering to the user configuration dialog pages based on its initial choices.

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